Rules for Guild War:
1- All mambers will play 2 wars for day.
Exception: let me know if you can't with preference on Sunday.
You don´t have to win all the battles, or attack all 3 times if you do not think you can beat the enemies, but try at least 1 time
Punishment: 1 week ban
2- The mambers will attack enimy with distinct difficult levels +3/+2/+1/+0, attack just the +3 is unacceptable.
Exception: If all +3 was a high levels players with a very hard team or just them have green HP.
Punishment: 1 week ban
3- The members will attack with preference the green HP's enimy.
Punishment: the reinterred behavior can cause 1 week ban.
4 - The member who take more them 2 bans in 3 months will be removed from the guild.